domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2012

New Year

With one last day left of 2012 ahead tomorrow, all I can think of is what has past and what is left to live next year. This year has been full of struggles as every one, but struggles get bigger each year, but that is what comes with growing up.
I tried to label this year but I found it to be a quite difficult task. I´ve learnt, I loved, I made mistakes and I regreted. Just like every year this was full of unexpected events, ideas left to put into practice and a big moral. For me, this year, there are two morals. The first moral was "Do whatever pleases and makes YOU happy, in the end it is YOUR life you are living, not anybody elses´. The second one is "Take chances. Life doesn´t have rules, and you ARE expected to fail so as to succed."
I spent too much time thinking about what others might think abut anything that I did or thought. I´ve spent this whole year on it and I dont wish my 2013 to be anything like it. Taking chances is the second step, life is full of parts which aren´t known, left to discover and explore, and if we never try, we will never know.
I take with me what I learnt and all my mazing experiences from this year. All the negative is left behind.

Mottos for this year: 
"Be yourslef, everybody else is taken."
"Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and focus on what could go right."
"The happiest people don´t have everything. they make the best of everything they have."
"Do more of what makes you happy"

I wonder what the world has for me this 2013.
At least I know that I have 365 opportunities,  previous years of experiences of all kinds and a blank slate with a big label that says "2013" on it.
Best wishes for this New Year,
 Luli Miri

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