domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2012


Life: 4 letters and tons of definitions. If I had to define WHAT life really is, I wouldn´t be able to express it, words wouldn´t be enough.
Life is about learning new things, going through unexpected experiences and learning from them.
It is about teaching and sharing. There is always somebody willing to learn and who could use some advice. Maybe somebody who is lost and needs help to get back on track.
In this everlasting road we may lose track, but life is also about that. It is about getting lost and getting back home, having grown with your experience. Having experienced a new picture of what you thought had only one view.
There is always room for dreamers. We must dream in order to accomplish goals, and believe me in order to dream you have to let yourself dream as high as possible. Dreams do not have to look “reasonable”! Lets not forget that to dream you also need to try. “If you never try, you´ll never know”.
In order to succeed with our dreams, or whatever we want to accomplish, we must make mistakes. Nobody has succeeded without failing first. Failing is as important, or even more, than succeeding, because in the end you don’t only succeed but you learn as well.
In life we give and we get. I once read that “generosity can go farther than the person you give to. By giving, you teach others how to give also”, and eventually you will get and hopefully that encourages you to give once again.
We trust, we hurt and get hurt, we remember, we forget and move on. When we trust we take chances. We believe in the other enough. Sometimes we get hurt because things might not turn up just as we thought they would. We will remember and learn from our disappointment and find relief as soon as we forget. Sometimes disappointment leaves us scars and we cannot forget, but we move on and we decide to acknowledge our past in order to accept what the future holds for us. Sometimes we might even forgive, but that is something you decide. Decisions in life are one of the most difficult, but important tasks we take care of.
In life we protect and connect with what and who we love. We listen, tolerate, admire and thank.
We lie and betray. We might lie to protect but in the end betray, but not only those two are important…we also hurt. Maybe all of these are connected to failing in a way, but as I said before…failing is an essential part of life, for without it we will not succeed.
We discover and experience the world and its mysteries and every little bit that comes with it. We smile, enjoy…we fall in love, we commit, we feel and transmit. Happiness isn’t easily achieved in life, but you will be truly happy when you do what you want to do, with whoever you wish, whenever and wherever without concentrating in nobody else but yourself and your desires. And lets be honest, who said that what “is right” is good? ENJOY.
In life we simply are. Never forget who you are and never stop doing what you love the most to do. You are here for that reason. It is YOUR life.
In life you laugh, cry, fail, succeed, lie, discover, smile, procrastinate, get hurt, make mistakes, admire, get lost, move on, grow, teach, learn, dream, decide, trust, forget, remember , get, give, feel, try and so many others…but remember, in order to LIVE you must BE.
Let yourself freely BE in order to truly BE.
Take chances, insist, transmit, think, create, do, get expectations, watch, understand, admit, encourage and decide.
In the end, you are who you decide to be. The only one in control of yourself is nobody else but you.
Life is too complicated to define it. Just bear in mind that life is what you make it.
Lucia Miri Echavarria

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